Report Speech Contoh Kalimat dan Pengertian

Reported Speech ( Pengertian Report Speech )

perbedaan report speech dan direct speech
perbedaan report speech dan direct speech

Pengertian Reported Speech

Reported speech is the style of speech or writing used to report what someone says without repeating their actual words.

Examples: Contoh kalimat dari reported speech
a.       Andy said, “I will watch the football match tomorrow.”
Andy said (that) he would  watch football match tomorrow.
b.      Toby said, “I play squash every Friday.”
Toby said (that) he played squash every Friday.
c.       Mike said, I didn’t miss the competition of boxer last night.”
Mike told Ann that he had not missed the competition of boxer last night.

            Ciri ciri dari kalimat Reported Speech

1.      If the verb in the quoted speech is in the present, it will be changed to the past form in reported speech.
·         She said, “I can drive a go-kart,”
She said that she could drive a go-kart
·         She said, “I watched TV last night.”
She said that she had watched TV.

2.      It the reporting verb in the past, the verb in the noun clause will usually also be in the past form.
·         The teacher said he wanted us to participate in a game
·         She said she liked swimming.
3.      When the reporting verb is in simple present, present perfect, or future, the noun clause verb is not changed.
·         She says she likes swimming

·         She will says that she likes swimming

     : pengertian reported speech , pengertian reported speech dan contohnya , kalimat reported speech dan contohnya

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